
Most recently, I was one of the founders of OODA Experimentation Technologies, where we were focused on pricing carbon into the capital markets by accelerating the decarbonisation of residential property and energy systems. We built a range of products in service of this vision, including a predictive AI tool and multi-sided marketplace for residential energy efficiency, and an AI tool for structured data extraction, which enabled us to reduce the risk involved in acquiring land for renewable energy development. You can read our post mortem here.

Prior to this, I built product that predicted consumption of consumer goods, held exec positions (COO, VP Marketing) at Series A / Seed consumer companies, and worked with financial services, NGO and retail clients as a management consultant.

Aside from corporate clients, I have experience supporting a range of startups in a consulting capacity, from open source tools for thought, to vertical SaaS for convenience retailers, a product-level carbon accounting plug-in, modern ERP software, a data engineering consultancy and a bookings marketplace.



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